Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Marriage Nugget 1: Openness Between the Husband and Wife

 At the innocence stage before sin corrupted the nature of man, Adam and Eve were both naked were not ashamed. This is the divine blueprint for marriage. That is, openness between husband and wife. Openness in marriage is the foundation of trust which serves as a nucleus for other virtues by which husband and wife can establish a successful marriage. Whatever you’re hiding from your spouse is a timed bomb that can ground your marriage when the secret is exposed to your spouse.

In a marriage where there is true love there is nothing that the husband and wife should hide from each other. In this technological age, openness has become an impossible virtue of husband and wife. Are you surprised to hear that? Don’t judge yet. Consider these questions: Does your spouse have access to your mobile phone? Does your spouse know the password of your mobile phone? Can your spouse pick your call and answer on your behalf without being queried? Will your spouse be happy if he or she reads through all the messages in your phone? Does your spouse know your income or salary?

If you desire to build a stable and successful marriage, don’t allow any secret to exist between you and your spouse. This is good for the welfare of your marriage. A man was so secretive that he did not tell his wife that he was bitten by a dog. Few days later, he fell sick and was barking till he died of rabbis. If he had told his wife, he could not have died! Are you keeping any secret from your spouse? You need to open up to your spouse so that you can have peace of mind and clear conscience. Openness in marriage is not negotiable. You need it for the success of your marriage.

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